Spa Silk Conditioning Oil

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Rs. 900.00
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Rs. 900.00
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Herbal ingredients like-argan oil, olive oil, tea tree oil, wheatgerm oil, lavender oil, vitamin E, evening primrose oil provides intense nourishment, cures dry, frizzy hair and rebuilds damaged hair. Damaging effects of hair colour, straightening, rebonding, highlighting can be dealt by applying Spa Silk Oil. Apply on skin, leave for 20 minutes, wipe with moist cotton, apply Marrow beauty pack and massage twice a week, after Enzymatic Mask for better results. 

Indications: For rough hair, dry hair, dandruff, weak hair roots, itchy scalp, baldness, etc. 

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Ingredients (in grams to make 100 grams): Olive Oil - 20, Almond - 10, Jojoba - 2, Bay oil - 2, Argan Macademia -50, Lavender oil - 4, Evening Primrose - 2, Bhringraj – Q.S.
Method of Use:
  • Apply enough quantity of Spa Silk Oil on scalp and full hair length.
  • Leave for 8 hours.
  • Use Spa Silk Conditioning Mask and keep for 20 minutes, wash off under running water.
  • Let your hair dry naturally.