*Wash your Face at least thrice in a day to avoid any dirt accumulation on the face. Use Shampoo at least twice in a week.
*Eat fresh veggies, and fruits, Vitamins(D, C, and E), protein, sprouts and everything that makes you feel active and healthy.
Watch the video to know the right DIET:
*Hydrate your body, both by taking bath and by drinking good amount of water.
*Use Sunscreen. Don’t be fooled by the superpower of the Sun. It’s hidden behind the clouds. UV rays will penetrate no matter what. Use Juvena’s sunscreen for CARE + CURE
*Use a Lip Balm that will moisturise your Lips.
*Don’t get tempted by oily food which is the biggest delight of rainy season.
*Don’t sleep without cleansing.
*Don’t tie wet/damp hair at any cost.
Watch the video to know the common HAIR CARE MISTAKES.
Monsoon is a season of bliss because of no scorching heat from the sun and no major sun tanning. But, the humidity it brings along gives rise to array of skin problems like acne, breakouts, clogged pores, fungal infections on skin as well as scalp. The dampness on face and hair leads to deposition of dirt. Unless one does proper exfoliation, the condition only worsens.
External Care along with good Internal care can help you fight all the infirmities that humidity in the rainy seasons gives birth to.
Pro Tip:
Cleanse- To get rid of the dirt.
Exfoliate- To get rid of the dead cells and initiate regeneration of the new cells.
Hydrate- To keep the water levels in check. Use ROSE SERUM

Happy Reading!
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