- Powdered Crude Red Lead
- Rhodamine B
- Mercury Sulfide.
The industries which make dyes, they make very cheap ones specially the red dyes which are chemically composed from these chemicals.
So, What Is Rhodamine B?

Rhodamine B
Rhodamine B is a very harsh chemical which creates hereditary factors, whatever after effects you are getting by applying Sindoor on your scalp will transmit to the next generation as defects. Mercury sulfide creates hair loss, reduces your stamina, reduces your brain efficiency and scalp being skin it’s a semi permeable membrane so whatever is applied topically also seeps in.
So what about the seeping in of the crude red lead powder or Rhodamine B and the mercury sulfide?

Sindoor- A Sentimental Instrument
The moment specifically the Indian Ladies shampoo their hair and as the hair is still damp, they apply Sindoor because they are connected to it emotionally as they give emotions and the sentiments related to Sindoor much value. The Sindoor in contrast stands as an enemy of their emotions. So, they apply Sindoor and some apply it one or half inch long, whereas few ladies apply on complete hair parting.
As a result, whenever after the shampoo they comb their hair, the Sindoor spreads on the entire scalp and some quantity of it sheds on the facial skin too, gets inhaled, gets into the eyes, also gets inside the mouth. When you sleep the pillow case also has the traces of it, your loved ones sleeping beside you are also being unknowingly affected by these harsh chemicals.
Till your next shampoo this sets on your scalp; the sebum, sweat which comes out of the scalp every minute creates clogging into the pores and these chemicals remain for a very long time in your pores in spite of your shampooing, your scalp building a scalp build up, creating hair loss, making them grey prematurely and creating itching too as well as the length and thickness of each hair also does not grow. Because of this you never come to know the amount of pigmentation you are carrying now on your skin, on the sides of the cheeks, under the eyes, under the chin, over the forehead and at the back of the neck. You sometimes feel that why is it coming just because am I suffering from hyperthyroidism trying to relate to the problems you are suffering from but you never relate it to the Sindoor you are applying. Sindoor is the root cause of all these things, if your hair is becoming grey than it is because of Sindoor. In order to rectify that you do the worst thing for your hair i.e. you start applying hair color so it worsens the condition of the hair at the same time the pigmentation which is on the skin increases and your eyes become bloodshot.
So, two chemicals sitting on the top of your head, they spoil your health also you’d never relate your body ache or fatigue feeling to the application of Sindoor and the hair colour, instead you relate it to something else and dodging it with like getting your blood test and stool test done, you keep going to the doctors, you keep changing the doctors but you never relate to this problem.
This is the small thing because you can cut it down of your daily application but a very hazardous chemical if it is sitting on your scalp. You are not able to see the problems it is creating inside your body. Please keep Sindoor out of your dressing shelf if at all you love your skin and hair health and you are in love with yourself because your health is of prime importance, come what may it should remain perfect.
You Can Make Sindoor At Home
Home Made Sindoor
You heard it right and it would be so natural and full of emotions as while making no one will touch it other than you so why not make it the way it was made. Kumkum and Sindoor these days are more of the same thing. Sindoor word is taken out from the word Sinabar which stands for red crude lead and in sanskrit that is known as Sindoora, so the word Sindoor comes from them, the other is Kumkum which was supposed to be the liquid Sindoor and nowadays liquid Sindoor is considered to be Kumkum.
In ancient times Kumkum as it stands for saffron was actually made out of saffron, turmeric and limestone (choona). Take more of dry grinded kesar to which you will add turmeric and limestone powder in the ratio of 2:1:1/2. Make it at home and apply it whenever you shampoo or feel like as there won’t be any after effects.
Never apply skin thinning ointments for the pigmentation you are getting out of application of Sindoor. Just stop using Sindoor! If you apply hair color to cover up the grey hair caused because of Sindoor it would be as temporary as applying skin thinning ointments to cover up your pigmentation problem which have risen up because of the application of Sindoor, so both ways you will do more harm to your hair and skin. So Please Don’t Do It!
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Watch the videos to cure your skin & hair problems caused by Sindoor-
Enzymatic Mask: Path to Glowing, Youthful, Bright & Healthy skin | For all skin types
Brightening MASK: The ONE Mask for All Skin Problems |Anti- acne, anti- pigmentation, anti-tan mask | R.I.P open pores
 Black Rose Pack: Cure pigmentation, chloasma, tanning, uneven skin tone.
 HENNA: How to Boost Benefits of Mehndi on Hair| How to Mix Henna for Hair| Herbal Henna| Natural Hair Color
Hair Fall Solution | How To Stop Hair Fall | Ayurvedic Treatment | Hair Fall | Hair Loss | Hair Care
 Lip Balm | Dark Lips | Dry Lips | Chapped Lips | Discolored Lips | Herbal Lip Balm | Juvena Herbals.